Call Answering Crossword Puzzle

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Call Answering Crossword Puzzle

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  • background: noise made not by the caller
  • contact: caller picks up the phone line
  • abandoned: attempt to call these back
  • ems: emergency medical services
  • phase ii: call delivers x and y coordinate
  • transfer: "please do not hang up, i am connecting you to (agency)"
  • priority: order of answering phone lines
  • misrouted: calls from another jurisdiction
  • ali: automatic location identification
  • wireless: cell phone emergency calls
  • voip: voice over internet protocol
  • phase i: call has been delivered to psap with tower location
  • ani: automatic number identification
  • misdial: calls dialed by mistake
  • silent: calls listened to with fbi skill level
  • admin: non-emergency phone lines
  • psap: public safety answering point
  • pocket dial: smart phones do this