Computer General Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Computer General Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • operating system : a program that manages hardware and software on a computer.
  • hardware : the actual components of a computer, such as the processor, memory, and hard drive.
  • software : a set of instructions executed on a computer to perform specific tasks.
  • storage : the component used to store information long-term, such as a hard drive.
  • network : a system that connects multiple computers together to exchange information.
  • input : the process of entering information into a computer, such as using a keyboard or mouse.
  • processor : the main component of a computer that executes instructions.
  • computer : an electronic device used to store and process data and execute programs.
  • memory : the component used to store temporary information while the computer is running.
  • output : the process of outputting information from a computer, such as displaying it on a computer screen.