Programming Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: casting: used to convert one data type to another, where: the sql keyword which is followed by the condition used to filter the data, final: a type of testing done at the very end of a project, also known as terminal, integer: a data type consisting of a whole number, from: the sql keyword which is followed by the name of the database table, import: the python keyword used to get a library of code so that it can be used e.g. random, time etc, string: a data type consisting of characters and numbers. can be concatenated and manipulated, select: the sql keyword which is followed by the field names to be retrieved, procedure: a sub program which does not return a value, erroneous: a type of testing where invalid / silly data is tested to try and break the program, normal: a type of testing where the data is what you would want / expect the user to type in, boundary: a type of testing where the maximum and minimum ranges are tested, iterative: a type of testing that is done throughout the creation of the project, character: a data type consisting of one letter or symbol, function: a sub program which does return a value, parameters: values that are taken by a sub routine when defined, real: a data type consisting of a decimal number, similar to a flat although not technically the same