Computer Systems Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Computer Systems Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • binary : the number system used by computers which uses os and 1s
  • floating point : a type of number used in computer programming that is used to represent real numbers with a high degree of precision
  • mantissa : the part of a floating point number which represents the significant digits of a number
  • exponent : the part of a floating point number which defines where the decimal point should be placed
  • alu : the part of the processor that carries out calculations and decisions
  • registers : the part of the processor that temporarily stores data
  • control unit : the part of the processor that decides the order of instructions to run
  • data bus : the communications channel that carries information to and from the processor
  • address : the type of bus that holds the location of the data
  • ram : the type of memory that is lost when a computer is switched off or loses power
  • compiler : the type of translator that does all lines of code in a program at once
  • interpreter : the type of translator that translates each line of code one at a time
  • translator : the umbrella term for programs which convert high level language code into machine code
  • ascii : the 5 letter acronym which is used to represent characters in a computer system
  • firewall : a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing messages from a computer system based on a set of predefined rules
  • encryption : a method of scrambling data into codes so it cannot be read unless you have the key to unscramble the data
  • resolution : a factor which will effect the file size and quality of an image by reducing or increasing the number of pixels in the file.