Famous Algorithms Crossword Puzzle

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  • quicksort: efficient sorting algorithm
  • dijkstra’s algorithm: finds the shortest path in a graph
  • an algorithm*: pathfinding algorithm using heuristics
  • bubble sort: simple comparison-based sorting
  • merge sort: divide-and-conquer sorting method
  • binary search: efficient search on a sorted array
  • kruskal’s algorithm: finds minimum spanning tree
  • bellman-ford: algorithm for shortest paths with negative weights
  • floyd-warshall: all-pairs shortest path algorithm
  • euclidean algorithm: computes greatest common divisor
  • knapsack problem: optimization algorithm for packing
  • pagerank: ranking algorithm for search engines
  • rsa algorithm: public key encryption method
  • huffman coding: lossless data compression algorithm
  • k-means clustering: algorithm for partitioning data into clusters
  • sieve of eratosthenes: finds all prime numbers up to a limit
  • dynamic programming: technique for solving complex problems
  • depth-first search: graph traversal algorithm
  • breadth-first search: graph traversal method using a queue
  • genetic algorithm: optimization technique inspired by evolution