Internet Security Terms Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: backdoor : this is access to a computer program that bypasses security mechanisms, shareware : software that is available free of charge and often distributed informally for evaluation, cookie : this provides a way for the website to recognize you and keep track of your preferences, downloading : copy (data) from one computer system to another, typically over the internet, encryption : the adding of a password to a file to ensure that only the person with password can view the file, spam : irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the internet to a large number of recipients, cyber crime : this is a crime where a criminal steals things such as money or information online, computer worm : this is software that spreads from computer to computer and has the capability to travel without any human action, phishing : this is a technique used to gain personal information for purposes of identity theft, using fraudulent e-mail messages that appear to come from legitimate businesses, firewall : this is a computer security system designed to prevent unauthorized access, antivirus : this is software that is designed to detect and destroy computer viruses, password : a word or other string of characters, sometimes kept secret or confidential, that must be supplied by a user in order to gain full or partial access to a computer, adware : this is software that automatically displays or downloads advertising material when a user is online, shareware : software that is available free of charge and often distributed informally for evaluation, after which a fee may be requested for continued use, computer patch : a software or operating-system patch that is intended to correct a vulnerability to hacking or viral infection, online storage : data storage refers to the practice of storing electronic data with a third party service accessed via the internet, trojan horse : this is any malicious computer program which is used to hack into a computer by misleading users of its true intent, hacker : a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data.