Web Design Principles and Elements Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: balance : occurs when all the design elements are equally distributed through the design, contrast : it stresses the visual differences in size, shape, and color between the elements to enhance the perception of a message intended, rhythm : a pattern created by repeating elements, size : how big or small something is in scale to other objects, texture : the look and feel of a surface, line : the element of length as a mark connecting any two points, value : the relative lightness or darkness of an area or object, unity : achieved when all the design elements relate to one another and project a sense of completeness, shape : the external outline of a form or anything that has height and width, emphasis : indicates the most important element on the page based on the message, space : the distance between shapes and forms, but it is best understood in design as white space or negative space—terms used to refer to the empty but often active areas that are void of visual elements.