Powerpoint Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Powerpoint Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • slide : basic unit of a powerpoint presentation
  • pointer : is a small screen icon that moves as you move a mouse or other device on a surface
  • group : contains related command buttons and boxes
  • status bar : is located at the bottom of the window above the windows taskbar
  • home tab : is also called the primary tab and contains the more frequently used commands
  • gallery : is a collection of choices, often graphical, arranged in a grid
  • tool tabs : conte3xtual tabs displayed when certain tasks are performed with objects such as pictures or tables
  • tab : contains a collection of groups
  • active : _ tab is the ribbon tab currently displayed
  • live preview : is a feature that allows you to point to a gallery choice to see its live effect
  • title slide : the default layout that appears when you create a presentation
  • powerpoint : full-featured presentation app that allows you to produce compelling presentations
  • insertion : point is a blinking line that indicates where text, pictures, and other objects will be placed
  • presentation : also called a slide show
  • ribbon : is located near the top of the powerpoint window below the title bar and is the control center
  • scrollbar : is used to display different portions of a presentation in the window