Object Oriented Programming Crossword Puzzle

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Object Oriented Programming Crossword Puzzle

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  • class: a template that describes the behaviours and characteristics of objects
  • object: the instance of a class
  • instantiation: creating objects from the class
  • attributes: characteristics of an object
  • methods: behaviour of an object
  • constructor: a special methods that is called when an object is created
  • inheritance: subclass that extends the attributes and methods from a parent class
  • composition: association where a class instance is created within a class, objects cannot exist independently
  • aggregation: association where objects can exist independently, but there is ownership of one class by another
  • abstract: a type of method that enforces implementation of the method in the subclass
  • virtual: a type of method that can be overridden in a subclass
  • overriding: the method in a child class is implemented instead of a method of the same name in the parent class
  • interface: a class that contains abstract methods
  • polymorphism: allow methods to be called with different data types and different number of parameters
  • encapsulation: data and methods are considered together and data can only be accessed through the objects methods