Adobe Photoshop Tools Crossword Puzzle

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Adobe Photoshop Tools Crossword Puzzle

PDF will include puzzle sheet and the answer key.

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  • sans serif font : no tail or stroke at the end of characters
  • horizontal type : _ tool - type text in horizontal alignment
  • move : _ tool - allows you to move an image or parts of an image
  • lasso : _ tool - creates a freehand selection
  • marquee : a series of dots or dotted lines
  • quick selection : _ tool - lets you paint to select an object from the interior using a resizeable brush
  • vertical type : _ tool - type text in vertical alignment
  • gradient : _ tool - this tool has 5 styles; linear, radial, angle, reflected and diamond
  • ruler : use to place objects on the stage aligned appropriately
  • compositing : combining images from different sources
  • magic wand : a selection based on color of particular pixel selected
  • feather : amount of blur between selection and the surrounding pixels
  • serif font : have a tail or stroke at the end of some characters
  • polygonal : _ tool - creates straight line selections
  • type spacing : making finite adjustments to type
  • mask : lets you protect or modify a particular area and it is created using a marquee
  • vignette : a picture or portrait whose border fades into the surrounding color at its edges.
  • tolerance : has a setting value from 0 to 255. allows you to specify how similar in color pixels must be in order to be selected
  • elliptical marquee : _ tool - makes an elliptical selection.
  • magnetic lasso : _ tool - creates a selections that snaps to an object
  • eyedropper : used to sample a color