Computer Technical Aspects Crossword Puzzle

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Computer Technical Aspects Crossword Puzzle

PDF will include puzzle sheet and the answer key.

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  • buttons: check that they are correctly linked to the destination you want to take the user to.
  • forms: do several tests and verify that they arrive correctly in the email you have configured
  • analytical: analyze what data is important for you to collect and control do not forget to think about the privacy of your users.
  • seo: so that your website is correctly indexed, you position yourself with the keywords that are related to your sector and generate traffic.
  • site map: it is an xml or txt file that includes the pages that make up our site the sitemap informs search engines of the pages that are available on our website so that they index the website and position it more easily.
  • loading speed: make sure that your website does not take more than 2 or 3 seconds to launch, since it is a usability factor.
  • security: having an anti-spam to check your comments in order to prevent your site from publishing malicious content is a good idea to improve the security in your website.
  • structure: check that all sections and pages are linked correctly.
  • 404 errors: check if your page has links that produce a 404 error and fix them.
  • simulation of browsers: enter your site from several browsers and adapt it if necessary.
  • backup: it prevents us from doing the job again if our server fails or something happens that ruins our work