Data Protection Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: protection : the data _ act 2018?, confidential : personal data is classed as what type of information?, breach : when information is made public without permission, this is known as a ?, encrypted : if sensitive information is passed via email it need to be ?, password : should be a mix of letters and numbers, finger print : some phones use this method to clarify you are the user, otherwise they stay locked, shredded : confidential information no longer needed should be ?, private : you don't talk about these matters on your phone in public if they are ?, regulations : what does the r stand for in gdpr?, identity : what must you check, prior to giving out any information of someone who requests it?, consent : you must give this before companies can process your personal data, cloud : the sky is the limit for data stored in the _ , personal data : name, ip address, passport number, email address are examples of what?, cross-border : where data is transferred to another country it is known as a _ data transfer, schrems : surname of the person who sued facebook to stop transferring data to the usa?