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Computers & IT Crossword Puzzles
Free printable computers crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a printed circuit board containing the principal components of a computer or other device, output device that displays information in pictorial form, …
a control structure that allows repeated execution of a block of code based on a specified condition, a set of step-by-step instructions or rules …
any hardware device that sends data to a computer, any piece of computer hardware that displays results after the computer has processed the input …
to create documents, a specific design for a set of letters and characters, to move through a document or a web site, an image or shape of any kind …
is an electronic visual computer display that includes a screen, circuitry and the case in which that circuitry is enclosed, an instrument for …
a list of well-defined instructions for completing a task, these are used to represent flow lines in flowchart, used to accept input or display, …
unmanned aerial vehicle, portable computer, video gaming device, network device for wi-fi, touchscreen computer, device for paper printing, mobile …
control the movement of sprites (characters), such as moving, rotating, or gliding, change the appearance or visual properties of a sprite, such as …
my value change from time to time, helps to do calculations, call me any time to do a specific task, any number of instances can be created from me, …
also known as a lipstick in the u.s. is a mechanical analog computer. it was used primarily for multiplying and dividing, a handheld pointing device …
by using only _ gates, we can realise all logic functions, a multiplexer is a _ circuit, the code where all successive numbers differ from their …
breaking the connection of or between, relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, websites and applications that enable users to …
technologies that support the programmed rules, send a message to a single host, transmit information to one or more end devices, converting …
record every keystroke that user makes, a harmful software created to damage or computers, a harmful program that replicates itself through a file, it …
any physical device capable of storing information temporarily or permanently, give an authoritative order, series of the digits 0 and 1, a direction …
which shift key should you press for the letter j, which finger should you use to strike the space bar, after press control+b you can make the text, …
the way to address a cell, a horizontal collection of cells, a predefined formula to perform calculations, a collection of cells in a row and/or …
responsible for what you see on the monitor, the computer or other device connected to a computer network that delegates to the other nodes, a …
program that deletes files and or programs, a flaw in a program or network which makes it vulnerable to hacking (could be due to a bug), umbrella term …
restricts movement of the cursor to 90° intervals; 0°, 90°, and 270° by default, the little box at the intersection of the two crosshair lines. …
is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user, deemed any malicious act that attempts to gain access to a computer network without …
a collection of data stored in a two-dimensional database in which similar yet discrete strings of information are stored as records in a table, an …
a template that describes the behaviours and characteristics of objects, the instance of a class, creating objects from the class, characteristics of …
creating plans for products or structures, to guide or direct a group, short for digital literacy, using digital tools effectively, acquiring …
graphical representation of information and data to create an accessible means to understand trends, patterns, and outliers of data, the use of …
where can i upload a post, where can i upload different filters, where do i find my inspiration, where can i text with my friends, where do i watch my …
the information about someone on the internet, facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis, the use or operation of computers, a …
a website or part of website where people can discuss particular topics, put a computer program onto a computer so that the computer can use it, a …
occurs when all the design elements are equally distributed through the design, it stresses the visual differences in size, shape, and color between …
presentation software, play between slides, default view, specific design with coordinating colors and fonts, miniature view of the slides, specifies …