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Computers & IT Crossword Puzzles
Free printable computers crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
this is access to a computer program that bypasses security mechanisms, software that is available free of charge and often distributed informally for …
a small, electronic device, the programs that run on computers, a network of computers that allows people to share information, a machine that can …
sending data, such as a music or video file, from a local computer system to another computer system or server, a computer program used to display …
current fashion or popular behavior, group of people who listen to or watch a performance, presentation, or content, someone with the power to affect …
the law which protects data and privacy (4), the unit of storage on a computer (4), the "l" in lan (5), an _ device gives a computer …
a base-2 numeral system used in computers (-... .. -. .- .-. -.--), a step-by-step problem-solving process (.- .-.. --. --- .-. .. - .... --), to find …
communication between two parties has been overheard by someone, services or data become unavailable, unusable or destroyed, unauthorized changing of …
list of data items, microsoft, a piece a code that destroys computer, your stationary for ict, proper word for tech, you use it to type, a set of …
a program that manages hardware and software on a computer, the actual components of a computer, such as the processor, memory, and hard drive, a set …
an incident involving improper access, collection, use, disclosure, or disposal of phi, a protected string of letters, numbers, and/or special …
the data _ act 2018?, personal data is classed as what type of information?, when information is made public without permission, this is known as a ?, …
a device that converts physical images or objects into digital representations, a transducer that converts sound waves into electrical signals, a …
used to change the color, size, or functionality of an element on the page, the difference in brightness between elements, the location of an element …
used to take and store pictures digitally, a vertical lever that is used to play games, a direct data entry device, _ capture devices - these devices …
company - advertise products/services, online purchases of products, give background information about the company, charity - give presentations …
a type of network adapter hardware that fits in an expansion slot on a computer's motherboard, a system device that connects the battery (mostly …
used to convert one data type to another, the sql keyword which is followed by the condition used to filter the data, a type of testing done at the …
saturate or de-saturate parts of the layer, creates sharp edges, _ healing brush remove objects and unwanted artifacts, erases the pixels from an …
the verbal act of requesting, url part other than http and index.html, http _ - the web service is running on the sever that is using _ , _ page to …
a process of analyzing a computer program and removing or correcting its logical or syntactical errors, it is text in a program's code, script, or …
character set of python programming, this mode is convenient for testing a single line code for instant execution, it perform actions in python …
creates mutable (modifiable) string, java api to connect and execute query with the database, name of the java compiler, arranges the components in a …
a mobile phone that can run apps and access the internet, a set of instructions that a computer follows to complete a task, a house where devices are …
it may be defined as a group of two or more computer system or peripheral devices connected together to exchange information and share resources, the …
an electronic device that transfers text or images from a computer to a medium such as paper or film, a symbol or graphic representation on a screen …
piece of hardware that stores all of your digital content including documents, pictures, music, apps and operating system, converts mains ac to low …
joining two or more strings together, the position of a character in a string, starting from zero, a method to convert all characters in a string to …
basic unit of a powerpoint presentation, is a small screen icon that moves as you move a mouse or other device on a surface, contains related command …
is a social media site where users become part of subreddits and engage with other users on relevant topics, users can send snaps to each other and …
time-limited access to software for evaluation purposes before purchasing, the practice of designing software to be usable by people with …