Digital Technology Crossword Puzzle

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Digital Technology Crossword Puzzle

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  • sim card : an integrated circuit that is used in technology to store subscriber information.
  • system utilities : the core software functions that allow each person to manage their computer in ways that they would find it inconceivable to be without.
  • megahertz : the measurement of the transmission speed of electronic devices.
  • mobile app : a software application that is developed for the use on small, wireless computing devices.
  • mac platform : a computer operating system for apple computer's macintosh line of personal computers and workstations.
  • system unit : the main part of a desktop computer.
  • peripheral device : any computer device that is not part of the essential computer, but it is situated close by.
  • linux platform : a free and open-source software that can be used and modified by anyone for free.
  • gigahertz : a clock frequency that is also known as clock speed or clock rate, representing a cycle of time.
  • malware : a computer program that is developed to infiltrate and damage computers without the user's content.