Email Etiquette Crossword Puzzle

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Email Etiquette Crossword Puzzle

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  • etiquette : proper respect, language, or manners
  • subject : enraptures the main idea of the email, or why you are sending it.
  • emoji : small icons to avoid the use of when writing an email. (emoticons)
  • tone : it is very important to have a friendly and respectful _ when writing an email.
  • font : choose a _ that is the right size and easy to read.
  • paragraphs : in a well-constructed email, these are short and easy to read.
  • spelling : make sure your _ is correct when writing an email.
  • name : at the end of your email, sign your _ .
  • greeting : always start your email with a _ .
  • both : email etiquette goes _ ways.