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Law & Government Crossword Puzzles
Test your knowledge with this law and government-related crossword puzzles. Our free law & government crossword puzzles are an enjoyable and educational way to spend your free time. You will gain valuable knowledge about laws and governance, and completing the puzzles can also be a great mental workout. Download and print to see how many clues you can solve.
where evidence for a crime is found, the quality or state of being secure, legal advice—can also refer to the individual or firm providing it, …
first amendment right to gather in a group, the president's branch of government, police must have this to search your property, unprotected speech, …
how many branches are in the government?, how many articles are in the constitution?, the u.s. constitution has how many branches of government?, what …
legal rights that entitles most offenders to be released from prison after having served 2/3 of a sentence, the accused agrees to plead guilty to a …
a person or entity who is requested or named to act for another, such as an agent or trustee, discussion aimed at reaching an agreement, in criminal …
the branch of law that deals with disputes between individuals or organizations, typically involving compensation or equitable remedies rather than …
how is evidence such as leaves, blood and flowers classified?, this principle states that every contact by a criminal leaves behind a trace, bloody …
each information slip is made up of various _ that represent specific types of income or credits, a non-refundable tax credit that can be claimed by …
head of the executive branch in the philippines, the philippine congress is composed of the senate and the _ of representatives, the philippine …
a system of government in which priests rule in the name of god or a god, just behavior or treatment, branch which has authority to make laws, the …
powers shared by both the federal and state governments, the part of government that passes laws, a serious crime usually punishable by imprisonment …
president 22 and 24, 29th president, 11th president of us, 18th president, first president of the united states, 40th president, 37th president, 35th …
to approve and sanction formally; to agree or vote yes for something, a person who makes laws; a member of a legislative body, the branch of our …
a set of laws all citizens must follow, government where citizens elect representatives, agreement between two or more sides, articles of …
the fear and dislike of people from another country, a limit to the amount of immigrants allowed into a country per year, a station that immigrants …
a state or nation in which the supreme power is actually or nominally lodged in a monarch, supreme and independent power or authority in government as …
not having enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing and shelter, to put persons or things into their proper places in relation, …
an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people, the government unit that administers elementary and secondary school programs, …
it comes from the greek word 'polis', meaning city-state, proper utilization of resources, it demands that the people and the civil society render …
the head of an elected government, most famous of these being winston chruchill, a male holding the highest hereditary title in the british and …
facts indicating whether a belief or proposition is valid, the red liquid, the place where an offense has been committed, used for identifying …
to make a demand for money, for property, or for enforcement of a right provided by law, in criminal law, to voluntarily state that one is guilty of a …
a set of regulations which should be followed, people living together, an action which is punishable by law, a penalty given due to an offense, …
a court proceeding where the defendant is formally charged with a crime and enters a plea, the process of recording an arrest in official police …
this government will tax you a lot but you will get free health care and college, power is shared between the three levels of government (national, …
the internal diameter or bore of a gun barrel, laboratory tests conducted on blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids to detect the presence of specific …
adherence to a set of values and obligations, formally agreed-upon codes of conduct and reasonable expectations of clients, colleagues and coworkers, …
the group of people who are elected to make laws in the united states. it is made up of the senate, and house of representatives, one of the two …
type of technique that makes you want to jump in or be in trend, technique that destroys the credibility of other products, technique that only shows …
a court-ordered short-term delay in judicial proceedings to give a losing defendant time to arrange for payment of the judgment or move out of the …