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Law & Government Crossword Puzzles
Test your knowledge with this law and government-related crossword puzzles. Our free law & government crossword puzzles are an enjoyable and educational way to spend your free time. You will gain valuable knowledge about laws and governance, and completing the puzzles can also be a great mental workout. Download and print to see how many clues you can solve.
to engage in formal discussion, the branch that makes laws, person who signs bills to make them laws, procedure for ending debate in the senate, piece …
person who brings a lawsuit against another person, ways to resolve legal problems without a court decision, trial in front of a judge, is a right in …
a person who maybe committed a crime, to find an answer to a problem or mystery, information which is used to solve a mystery, a crime happened to …
where evidence for a crime is found, the quality or state of being secure, legal advice—can also refer to the individual or firm providing it, …
the internal diameter or bore of a gun barrel, laboratory tests conducted on blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids to detect the presence of specific …
the process of removing an elected official, dictator both sets the goals and controls almost all aspects of society, voters approve or get rid of a …
the tenth amendment is the right reserved to the _ , james _ was one of the creators of the constitution, the second amendment give you the right to …
oppressive, absolute rule with no restrictions, to sign a formal agreement, to charge someone in political office with misconduct, laws, article one …
requires a witness to appear in court to testify, a defendant that appeals their case, a formal process of making a police record of the arrest, money …
a court proceeding where the defendant is formally charged with a crime and enters a plea, the process of recording an arrest in official police …
act allowing for limited use of copyright material as long as it meets certain criteria, gives control of an image and its use to the creator, …
what is it before in becomes a law through legislation, city where the parliament buildings can be found, chief of canoe lake, the branch of …
one goal of the legal system is to promote _ , can carry a prison term for more than one year, the value that is the fundamental questions of right …
people have the right to peacefully _ , you have the right to a _ for your defense, the first 10 amendments are called what?, amendments are to …
leader of the federal government is called, the name of the head of state, they are appointed by the prime minister, the city where the federal …
powers that are directly stated in the constitution, the length of time that a senator is in office, the length of time that a member of the house of …
is one of the enumerated dangerous felonies, the _ of courts hold that a defendant is not liable for the death of a co-felon when a non-felon kills …
the fear and dislike of people from another country, a limit to the amount of immigrants allowed into a country per year, a station that immigrants …
refers to the rights and duties of a member of a country, a form of government where people have a say in decision-making, a process where people vote …
the secretary of _ is the first member of cabinet in the presidential line of succession, in order to be the president, a candidate must be a _ born …
a set of laws all citizens must follow, government where citizens elect representatives, agreement between two or more sides, articles of …
an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution, favored a modest central government with power to the people, refusal to take part in a war …
an official release from punishment for a crime, a republican who believed that congress should direct reconstruction, a legal state holiday …
type of technique that makes you want to jump in or be in trend, technique that destroys the credibility of other products, technique that only shows …
an excuse someone uses to show they were somewhere else other than the scene of the crime, a fact or object that helps solve mysteries, an act that is …
canada’s head of government, in this type of democracy, the leader works independently of the legislature, when a country in no longer controlled by …
each information slip is made up of various _ that represent specific types of income or credits, a non-refundable tax credit that can be claimed by …
minor offense, one of the purposes of sanctions, concept of all law apply to everyone, one of the poj, the jurisdiction where courts hear cases being …
the right to vote, people who campaigned for women's right to vote in the late 1800's and early 1900's, a significant or important turning point, an …
a state or nation in which the supreme power is actually or nominally lodged in a monarch, supreme and independent power or authority in government as …