Australia's Houses of Parliament Crossword Puzzle

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  • question: q _ time is held at 2pm on the days that parliament sit. people can watch it on tv or the internet, or listen to it on the radio.
  • bicameral: a word that means 'having two houses of parliament.'
  • royal: when the governor-general signs a bill so that it can become a law, this process is known as _ assent.
  • six: elections for the senate are held every _ years.
  • monarchy: australia is known as a constitutional m _ .
  • senate: this house of parliament has 76 members.
  • canberra: the capital city where australia's federal parliament is located.
  • electorate: an area represented by one member of parliament. there are 151 of these in australia.
  • red: the colour of the senate.
  • lower: the house of representatives is the _ house of parliament.
  • vote: australian citizens over the age of 18 years can _ in elections to choose people to represent them in parliament.
  • states: elected men and women who sit in the senate and represent the people of the _ and territories.
  • three: elections for the house of representatives occurs every _ years.
  • prime minister: the leader of the government who sits in the house of representatives
  • majority: for a political party to win an election and be allowed to form government, they must have a _ of votes from the australian people.
  • bill: before a new law can become a law, it is known as a b _ .
  • executive: the branch or arm of government that administers the law.
  • democracy: the type of government in australia is a representative _ .
  • judiciary: a branch or arm of government that consists of judges and the courts.