Judicial Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: jurisdiction : authority to implement and enforce laws in a specific area, felony : a crime that is punishable by a term of imprisonment of at least one year, criminal case : a case which a court determines wither a person accused of a crime is guilty or not guilty, misdemeanor : an offense punishable only by fines or by short sentences in jail, civil case : a case where a court settles a disagreement between two parties to recover damages or receive compensation, appeal : a request made to a higher court for another review of a case decided by a lower court, plaintiff : the party who brings legal action to the court, defendant : the party against whom the legal action has been taken, magistrate : a person who issues court orders and hears preliminary evidence in a case to determine whether said case should be brought to trial, overturn: to reverse the ruling of a lower court, affirm: to confirm the ruling of a lower court, precedent: an appellate court judgement from a case that establishes the rule for deciding similar cases, state courts : courts that have jurisdiction over cases involving state law and disputes involving parties living in the state, federal courts : decides disputes involving the us constitution, federal laws, disputes between states, and disputes involving more than $75,000 between residents of different sates, supreme court : the highest court in the united states and the head of the federal judiciary, judicial review : the right of the supreme court to review and take action against and legislation and to strike down any it deems unconstitutional,, due process : the constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws, fifth amendment : guarantees that an individual cannot be compelled by the government to provide incriminating evidence against themselves.