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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Health and fitness crossword puzzles are a fun and engaging way to get fit. They are also perfect for people who want to learn more about staying healthy. Download and see how many health and fitness words you can find.
required for body repair and energy restoration, can be soft, hard, or digital, relieve aches and pains, and increase circulation, calgon will take …
recurrent obsessions or compulsions that are severe enough to take up time, a fear of public places and open spaces, commonly accompanying panic …
you should set this when a patient is in bed or a chair, apply nonskid _ to patients to help prevent falls, a fall in which a staff member was with …
a potential gateway for non-smokers, especially youth, to start using nicotine, the addictive substance found in cigarettes, a legal substance often …
a wound that is not infected, bleed profusely, wound in which the skin integrity has been breached, surgical removal of dead tissue, an open wound …
not naturally occurring, the naturally produced chemical in the brain that provides feelings of well-being, the object of a person's ambition or …
you stand on your ... and walk, a joint between an arm and a forearm, organ inside your head helps you think, you can catch something with them, you …
wolf parkinson white is part of this category of syndromes , genetic predisposition marked by late repolarization of the ventricles, the murmur of mvp …
blood converted from liquid to solid, protamine sulfate is the antidote for this drug, an embolus can be a clump of bacteria, fat, or an _ _ . most …
side effects are nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, semi-synthetic, broad-spectrum antibiotics that are structurally related to the penicillins, …
a health-care professional licensed to dispense medications, trademark name (brand name) of oxytocin; requires sterile compounding techniques, …
willing host is also said to be this, a place for germs to grow, broken glass and used needles should be disposed in a _ container, another name for …
medicine that fights bacterial infections, instructions to the pharmacist, an amount of money paid by the insured person according to the terms of the …
do you know when to seek medication advice. clue: that is past it's sell by date, where do you safely dispose of medication, one of the 6 r's of …
painful or difficult urination, the process of using a machine to filter waste products and salts, and to remove excess fluid from the blood, urinary …
garbage removal, disinfectants in salons must be, regulates safety and health standards, mechanical process, abnormal condition of the body, bacteria …
this worn when there is risk of splashing, clean first, then do this, this product is commonly used at a concentration of 1, always clean these prior …
route for pill consumption ( _ delivery), injection into the bloodstream for rapid action, injection just beneath the skin’s surface into fatty …
a practice of paying attention to the present moment, a deep-breathing exercise that helps calm the mind, the feeling of being thankful and happy, a …
system that converts the food we eat in nutrients that can be absorbed in the cells of your body, system that exchange gases oxygen and carbon …
prevents vomiting, kills or prevents growth of microorganisms in living tissue, decreases fever, kills bacteria, prevents itching, kills or prevents …
disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain, surgical repair of a nerve, paralysis on one side of the body, abnormal mental state …
this type of embolectomy removes blood clots inside the brain, uses a catheter inserted through femoral artery and maneuver a device up to the brain, …
the treatment for mental health by communicating verbally, drug that can cause problems with learning and memory, feeling sad or upset over something …
lift sheets, elbow pads and heel booties reduce _ by prevention the skin from rubbing against sheets or other surfaces, the stage where the epidermis …
you put your food in here to keep it cool, it is important to do this to surfaces before and after preparing food, you wear these on your hands, a …
an employee has a legal duty to _ with an employer regarding whs matters, one of the responsibilities of an _ is to protect their own health & …
in the cpt, in addition to the guidelines, pay close attention to _ statements, anesthesia time begins when the anesthesiologist begins to _ the …
not all people with visual disabilities use _ , _ communication is auditory, the ability to work effectively across cultures in a way that …
a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life, a chronic bacterial disease that is contracted chiefly by …