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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
system that converts the food we eat in nutrients that can be absorbed in the cells of your body, system that exchange gases oxygen and carbon …
the paired organs in the thoracic cavity where gas exchange takes place between air in the alveoli and blood in the pulmonary capillaries, short …
time required to properly use hand rub, hand hygiene includes washing your _ , as well as hands, how many steps are there in proper hand washing …
needed for absorbing calcium and phosphorous, which is important for keeping bones healthy, important for making collagen, elements needed by the body …
a major factor in bone health and brain function, a factor that you can't control that affects physical health, a factor in maintaining physical …
response of the vascular system to exercise, heart rate response to 100% exercise intensity, heart rate response to sub maximal exercise, increase in …
paste that makes your teeth shiny and clean, to get all sparkly clean using soap and water, being super-duper neat and free from dirt, special paper …
occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is reduced or clocked completely thus preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients, acid _ …
fast acting atypical antipsychotic often given prn for agitation, atypical antipsychotic with high incidence of metabolic syndrome, antihistamine drug …
blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, _ system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, blood vessels that carry blood back to …
men and women play this sport. a team has eleven players, you need a racquet and small yellow or green balls to play this sport, this sport includes …
this department serves as the primary resource for information and guidance to local public health agencies, this heavy metal was used in paint prior …
organic substance made of chains of amino acids, necessary for chemical reactions to take place in cells, for waste removal from the body, and for …
wound _ may be obtained for stage 3 or 4 pressure injuries, unstageable pressure injury, deep tissue pressure injury and/or multiple pressure injuries …
overstretching and tearing a muscle.n, a risk of physical activity in the cold weather that damages the skin and tissues caused by extreme cold, the …
good-quality _ makes a big difference to how we feel mentally and physically, so it's important to get enough, increased physical activity has been …
an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by purging behaviors such as vomiting, laxative use, or excessive …
you should set this when a patient is in bed or a chair, apply nonskid _ to patients to help prevent falls, a fall in which a staff member was with …
fungi have cell walls made of this, a pathogen that is not a cell, but reproduces inside cells, a harmful substance produced by bacteria that damages …
it is important to _ before starting any exercise. this gives our hearts a chance to get ready to breath faster, _ comprise of mostly grains and some …
a practice of paying attention to the present moment, a deep-breathing exercise that helps calm the mind, the feeling of being thankful and happy, a …
a state of apprehension and psychic tension occurring in some forms of mental disorder, to give advice to; advise, a state of serious emotional and …
muscle that helps your lungs pull in air and push it out, muscular tube through which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach, tiny air sacs in …
any large group of organ compounds in foods and living tissue including sugars, maintaining body weight in a healthy range by preventing gradual …
specializes in heart and blood vessel health, focuses on skin, hair, and nail issues, deals with digestive system disorders, cares for elderly …
a low-fat diet will help you decrease your chance of acquiring _ disease, half of your grains should be _ grains, a calcium deficiency can lead to …
in the cpt, in addition to the guidelines, pay close attention to _ statements, anesthesia time begins when the anesthesiologist begins to _ the …
what do we generally call urine?, the waste contains _ products which will circulate in our blood, our bodies keep producing a lot of hazardous and _ …
striations forming a repeating pattern, muscle that contracts longer than skeletal, has intercalacted dics, muscles that lack striations, catalyze the …
the artery that carries blood away from the heart to the rest of the body, top chambers within the heart, dividing wall within the heart that …