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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
inhaling asbestos could damage your?, in which country was asbestos first reported of being used?, asbestos is dangerous when.., how many types of …
these are changed when the picc dressing is changed and after drawing blood. (2 words), this must be done by a rn in your facility before an lpn can …
breakdown of large, organic molecules into smaller, protein that function as biological catalyst, part of the enzyme that allows it to act as …
disturbance in the electrical activity of the brain, surgical repair of a nerve, paralysis on one side of the body, abnormal mental state …
an emotion in which you feel non-cooperative or frustrated, a place in which students go to learn, a medicine/substance that has physiological effects …
a central point, as of attention, or activity, abandonment or relief from bodily or mental work, investing in your own curious effort, to solve …
response in anticipation of perceived or actual threat to oneself or significant relationships, sudden attacks of terror, sometimes with a pounding …
breath awareness to facilitate inner stillness, commonly said at the end of yoga class by the instructor and the students, considered to be the first …
a practice of paying attention to the present moment, a deep-breathing exercise that helps calm the mind, the feeling of being thankful and happy, a …
a medication applied to the skin, dissolves in mouth to sooth a sore throat, a liquid medication that you take with a spoon, a medication that reduces …
not all people with visual disabilities use _ , _ communication is auditory, the ability to work effectively across cultures in a way that …
vaccine available. causes serious liver disease. symptoms include: loss of appetite and fatigue, nausea/vomiting and itching all over the body, pain …
a high _ can slow down your heart, this causes fluid retention, it is best to keep this between 3-5.5 to avoid hardening of arteries, drinking to much …
a state of apprehension and psychic tension occurring in some forms of mental disorder, to give advice to; advise, a state of serious emotional and …
paste that makes your teeth shiny and clean, to get all sparkly clean using soap and water, being super-duper neat and free from dirt, special paper …
to clean up your body, to be neat and clean, has no dirt and does not smell, to wash, get clean, personal, not something shared with other people, …
disease that can be spread from one individual to another, highly contagious bacterium that takes up to a year to cure, spread by rats and mice, but …
blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart, _ system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood, blood vessels that carry blood back to …
side effects are nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity, semi-synthetic, broad-spectrum antibiotics that are structurally related to the penicillins, …
_ changes and imbalances can cause temporary hair loss, too much _ a may cause hair loss as well, most people _ 50 to 100 hairs every day, if your …
you should set this when a patient is in bed or a chair, apply nonskid _ to patients to help prevent falls, a fall in which a staff member was with …
"i have a _ " is a safety phrase to support speak up, smiling and making eye contact helps others to approach you to _ up, leadership …
cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer related deaths, difficulty in emptying the bowels, dry/hard stool, oral laxatives golytely, miralax, …
12 week program to improve cardiovascular health, patients should limit this in their diet, the abbreviation for "good" cholesterol, a …
a practice that combines body movements and breathing to help you relax and feel better, a fun dance workout with music from around the world that …
a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons, a period where you exercise, when you pretend …
practicing before a real event, a sport where the goal is to kick a ball into the opposing teams net, a persons mental or physical condition, engaging …
inner layer of adrenal gland, composed of glomerulus, boweman's capsule, and tubular system, what is a common cause of renal fialure in older adult …
tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs, main branches of the trachea leading to each lung, smaller branches of the bronchi that lead to the alveoli, …
condition of the eye where optic nerve is damaged with or without elevated pressures, condition in which blood flow of heart is reduced or blocked, a …