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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
natural _ - innate, another type of wbc, recognizes and destroy foreign cells including cancer cells, virus infected cells, bacteria and cells of …
require up to 16 hours of sleep per day, occurs when circadian rhythms do not match with the external clock time, this does not influence our …
a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or uncertain outcome, the body's response to a challenge or demand, …
a wound that is not infected, bleed profusely, wound in which the skin integrity has been breached, surgical removal of dead tissue, an open wound …
state of being that enables one to reach his/her fullest potential, amount of time it takes to move once you realize the need to act, _ heart rate - …
presence of air or gas in the pleural space of the thorax, acute and often life-threatening infection of the upper airway, which causes severe …
administrative, environmental, and respiratory-protection _ , tb requires what type of isolation?, annual check for use of particulate filter device …
fear of heights, fear of men, fear of outer space, fear of stairs or steep slopes, fear of pins and needles, fear of snow, fear of spending money, …
excessive sweating, a condition in which the heart beats irregular or abnormal, temperature taken under your armpit, medicine taken to reduce a fever, …
the muscle group on the front of your upper arms, the largest muscle in the body, located on the back of the thigh, the chest muscle used in pushing …
this is a depressant that is addicting and used widespread, alcohol is this type of drug, this is released to give a person a feeling of happy and …
the unpleasant physical effects of drinking too much alcohol, a place where beer is produced, a place where people meet to drink alcohol and …
willing host is also said to be this, a place for germs to grow, broken glass and used needles should be disposed in a _ container, another name for …
is a measure of what people can achieve with their bodies, _ psychology is a subdivision of psychology that examines the psychological factors …
inflammation of the larynx, permanent enlargement of lower airways accompanied by destruction of alveolar walls, affecting its elasticity, bacterial …
what you show to get a discount on medication, the process of preparing and providing medication, where medications are stored in a pharmacy, pharmacy …
the substance in cigarettes that causes them to be addictive, sticky substance often found in playgrounds that sticks to the lungs, main type of …
none of these differences among those with and without asd, teachers creating an environment that increase chance of student using expressive …
foods that have been altered from their natural state for convenience or preservation, nutrient needed to build and repair muscles, found in meat, …
do you know when to seek medication advice. clue: that is past it's sell by date, where do you safely dispose of medication, one of the 6 r's of …
when a small needle - like particles enter into the body, an injury caused by exposure to heat of flame, an injury which appears as a purple mark on …
injury to the ligaments, life threatening emergency caused by high temperature of our body reaching 41degrees celsius, breakage that usually happens …
orange in color, rich in vitamin a, found in soft drinks, sweetened coffee, candy and cakes, a handful of these contain healthy fats, vitamins, and …
objects and obstacles in hallways and thoroughfares in general are serious _ hazards and can lead to serious injuries, whs involves the assessment and …
vitamin c is required for the biosynthesis of _ , the two best sources of vitamin c, vitamin c is not naturally present in _ , supplements typically …
persistent sadness and a lack of interest, the sense of uneasiness, distress, or dread you feel before a significant event, a temporary state of mind …
the act or manner or an instance of treating someone or something, a pledge or undertaking, a powerful desire for something, provide details about …
heat illness can occur when engaged in strenuous activity during hot weather _ , one requirement during high heat conditions at 95deg and greater …
teen opioid overdose deaths have increased by _ percent since 1999, youth start using drugs as young as _ years old, they can provide a temporary _ …
always keep an eye on it, you should do this after exercise, you put it in your hair, you take this when you are ill, make sure to take regular visits …