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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
required for body repair and energy restoration, can be soft, hard, or digital, relieve aches and pains, and increase circulation, calgon will take …
eating a variety of foods in the right proportions for good health, a session of physical exercise, a sweet drink with gas and sugar, spending too …
a practice that combines body movements and breathing to help you relax and feel better, a fun dance workout with music from around the world that …
a unit of heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food, any form of movement that causes your body to use …
like exercise, rest, heat/ice, meditation, music, massage, acupuncture, acupressure, stretching, etc, always keep an accurate _ list with you at all …
used to assess glucose control, measurement may be of use in monitoring patients receiving this drug to prevent rejection in transplantation patients, …
breath awareness to facilitate inner stillness, commonly said at the end of yoga class by the instructor and the students, considered to be the first …
a type of disease that can be spread to others humans, a major risk factor to lung cancer, a disease or tumor caused by uncontrollable cell growth in …
lift sheets, elbow pads and heel booties reduce _ by prevention the skin from rubbing against sheets or other surfaces, the stage where the epidermis …
the outer coating of a tablet, a substance added to a tablet to bind the ingredients together, the main active ingredient in a tablet, the process of …
something we can all do to relieve stress, an activity that can help with stress, usually involves going outside and getting fresh air, something we …
half your plate or bowl should be filled with this, type of fiber our bodies cannot digest, mineral important for building strong bones, amount of …
the act of stopping antibiotic use when it is no longer necessary, the responsible management and appropriate use of antibiotics, the action of …
mental disorder marked by the elevation or lowering of a persons mood, disorder characterized by intense worry about future events that disrupt a …
not all people with visual disabilities use _ , _ communication is auditory, the ability to work effectively across cultures in a way that …
when the rhythm of the heart is faster than 100 beats per minute, bluish skin color cause from lack of oxygen, apheresis use to remove white blood …
trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early, depression can make it difficult to focus/ _ , depression can cause a loss of _ in …
medicine that fights bacterial infections, instructions to the pharmacist, an amount of money paid by the insured person according to the terms of the …
require a living host to survive and reproduce, multiplication of organisms within the body, are molds or yeasts, the capacity of microbes to cause …
fire can cause this on your skin, you feel this when you get hurt, when you help people who are hurt you are giving them _ , a place where doctors and …
the power or process of reproducing or _ what has been learned and retained, the capacity to concentrate on specific information and determine what …
visiting a _ doctor is often the first step for people who are experiencing changes in thinking, movement, or behavior, high _ _ levels and diabetes …
_ disorder - a mental illness in which anxiety persist and interferes with normal functioning, _ depression - a mental disorder in which a person is …
make things out of wool, some teams are local some are premiership, moving to music, modern way to socialize using a gadget, fifa,mario may be played, …
main source of energy for the body (14 letters), helps in building and repairing body tissues (7 letters), indigestible part of plant foods that aids …
this is the vehicle that transports people to the hospital, another term for a broken bone, a first _ can help you if you get injured at work, this is …
osteoporosis is when bones become, your bones may more easily, eat a variety of foods and get enough protein and, what helps to build and repair bones …
a synthetic hormone used to treat hypothyroidism, _ fibrillation - a heart condition, one of the oldest blood-thinners, narrows blood vessels and …
any uncomfortable emotional experience. , a relatively lasting change in behavior that is the result of experience. , attempt made by an individual to …
invented the stethoscope because he could not hear the heart and lungs in an obese patient with his ear, a code of behavior in which medical schools …