Memory Crossword Puzzle
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- bartlett : psychologist who studies reconstructive memory
- short term memory : memory store that has a capacity of approximately seven pieces of information and in which information is held for a limited period of time.
- recall : to bring information or past experiences back into one’s mind (similar to ‘retrieval’).
- long term memory : memory store that has a very large capacity and holds information for a very long time.
- cognition : mental processes such as thinking, planning and problem solving.
- recency effect : when more of the last information received is recalled than earlier information.
- duration : how long information can be stored in the memory.
- false memory : remembering something that has never happened but feels as if it did.
- capacity : a measure of how much information can be stored.
- recognition : by retrieving a memory, you are able to identify something or someone, previously known to you in some way.
- retrieval : recovering information from a memory store.
- sensory store : memory store for information received from the senses. has a very large capacity but holds information for a very short period of time.
- murdock : psychologist who studies the primacy and recency effect