Disease and Disorder Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: chitin : fungi have cell walls made of this, virus : a pathogen that is not a cell, but reproduces inside cells, toxins : a harmful substance produced by bacteria that damages cells and tissue, spores : produced by fungi, malaria : a disease that is caused by protists and transmitted by mosquitoes, herd immunity : a protective factor for a community when most, but not all, of the community have been vaccinated against a disease, vaccine : an injection of a weakened or dead bacteria or virus, measles : a viral disease that causes a red rash, sore eyes and a fever, heart disease : an example of a non-communicable disease, sometimes caused by poor diet and/or smoking, anti bodies : made by the body in response to a virus or bacteria or a vaccine, fungi : a pathogen that produces spores which allows it to spread easily, pathogen : an organism that causes communicable disease, salmonella : an example of a communicable disease caused by a bacteria and transmitted due to poor hand hygiene, microscope : a piece of equipment used to see very small organisms, protist : a pathogen that can be parasitic and spread by a vector, bacteria : a single-celled organism that have a circular strand of dna, rash : an area of the body with redness or red spots, vector : an organism that carries a disease-causing protist from one person to another, non-communicable : a disease not spread between people, communicable disease : a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another