Temperature and Pulse Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: diaphoresis : excessive sweating, arrhythmia : a condition in which the heart beats irregular or abnormal, axillary : temperature taken under your armpit, antipyretic : medicine taken to reduce a fever, hypothermia : a temperature that is dangerously below normal temperature, syncope : fainting, ear : where does an aural or tympanic thermometer go?, pulse : a rhythmical throbbing of the arteries as blood is propelled through them, typically felt in the wrists or neck, bradycardia : slower than normal heart rate, hyperthermia : elevated temperature, aspirin : should not be administered to children under 18 years old, as it has been associated with reye syndrome, oral : temperature taken in your mouth, cardiac output : the amount of blood the heart pumps through the circulatory system in a minute, frostbite : occurs when the body is exposed to subnormal temperatures, cyanotic : condition of turning blue, stroke volume : the volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle per beat, rectal : temperature taken in your rectum, temporal : temperature taken on the temples in your forehead, raises : shivering actually _ the body's temperature, tachycardia : faster than normal heart rate, febrile : having a fever, lubdub : low and high pitches that create the heart sound.