Water and Municipal Wastewater Engg Crossword Puzzle

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Water and Municipal Wastewater Engg Crossword Puzzle

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  • intake : the structure through which raw water is collected.
  • aeration : process of adding air to water to remove gases and oxidize dissolved metals.
  • clarifier : tank where sediments settle out of the water.
  • chlorination : process of adding chlorine to disinfect water
  • screening : removal of large debris from raw water.
  • grit removal : process of removing sand and small stones from water.
  • prechlorination : initial addition of chlorine to control algae and microbial growth.
  • settling : process in which suspended solids settle at the bottom of the tank.
  • rectangular : type of sedimentation tank with a rectangular shape.
  • circular : type of sedimentation tank with a circular shape.