Physical Activity Basic Terms Crossword Puzzle

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Physical Activity Basic Terms Crossword Puzzle

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  • fitt formula : a straightforward guideline for revising and improving any workout plan. fitt stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise.
  • frequency : how often you will exercise.
  • progression principle : idea that as your body adapts to your exercise routine, you have to increase the intensity.
  • overload principle : the training principle which states that fitness improves only when workloads are greater than those normally encountered.
  • fitness target zone : the training levels based on your maximum heart rate.
  • specificity principle : how you train should mimic the skills and movements, required to excel in the activity, you’re participating in.
  • threshold of training : the minimum amount of exercise needed to improve physical fitness.
  • intensity : how hard you work during exercise.
  • activity pyramid : guide that helps plan out physical activity.
  • target ceiling : the upper limit of physical activity.