Dental Health Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: everyone : who should take care in looking after their teeth, brush twice a day and floss and visit the dentist regularly?, enamel : the thin, tough shell that acts as the outer covering of a tooth and is the hardest tissue in the human body, plaque : a sticky film of bacteria that forms on our teeth, fluoride : a mineral that teams up with calcium and phosphate to create a defense system in the enamel and is found in baked potatoes and uk tap water, vitamin c : a vitamin which promotes gum health, is found in citrus fruits but is quite acidic, so can weaken the enamel, water : a drink that helps cleanse the mouth and neutralize plaque acids, tooth decay : damage to a tooth's enamel due to attacking acids that bacteria in our mouth make (2 words, but write it with no space), vitamin d : a vitamin which helps calcium be absorbed into the body and can be gained from sunlight, oily fish and fortified foods, sugar : a carbohydrate that is often added to processed foods, and leads to plaque on the teeth, phosphorus : a mineral found in eggs, fish, lean meat and dairy which is good for strong teeth, calcium : a mineral found in milk, yogurt and cheese and helps promote strong teeth and bones