Hydration of the Brain Crossword Puzzle

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Hydration of the Brain Crossword Puzzle

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  • fluids : the ability to perform mental arithmetic, and calculating is compromised when your _ are low
  • exercising : while _ , you’ll need 7 to 10 ounces of water every 10 to 20 minutes
  • energy : nerve transmission requires one-half of all the brain’s _
  • urination : limit intake of caffeinated beverages and alcohol –which promote _
  • active : the more _ you are, the more water your body will need
  • dehydration : _ can impair short-term memory function and the recall of long-term memory
  • levels : everyone needs to stay hydrated, but if you’re relatively active, it’s especially important because your fluid _ can drop quickly
  • quart : the average person in the u.s. drinks less than a _ of water a day
  • thirsty : in general, if you feel _ , you most likely aren’t drinking enough
  • water : every function in the body is dependent on _ intake
  • hydration : our brains depend on proper _ to function optimally
  • toxins : water is essential for removing _
  • nutrients : water is essential for delivering _ to the brain
  • cells : if you lose too much water, the balance between water & brain element is disrupted & your brain _ would lose efficiency
  • car : keep a gallon of water in your _ in case you are ever stuck somewhere without access to water
  • moisture : every breath you take while you sleep, _ is leaving your body
  • bottle : take a water _ with you wherever you go, and especially when you go to exercise
  • think : when you are properly hydrated, you will be able to _ faster, be more focused, and experience greater clarity and creativity
  • measure : _ your water intake for a few days to find out how much you are actually drinking