Bone Marrow Exam Crossword Puzzle
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- prussian blue: stain used to detect iron stores in the bone marrow
- hip: best spot for a bone marrow collection in adults and children; short
- hypocellular: term used to describe bone marrow with less cells than expected
- touch prep: the end of core biopsy is repeatedly placed on a washed glass slide that demonstrates bm architecture
- hypercellular: term used to describe bone marrow with more cells than expected
- hyperchromic: malignant cells appear _ and are molded together in clusters
- aspirate: sample type used for morphologic identification
- core biopsy: sample type used for evaluating the architecture of bone marrow
- dry tap: unsuccessful aspiration caused by fibrotic or acellular bone marrow
- yellow: hematopoietic tissue that makes up 50% of bone marrow by late adolescence