Physical & Technical Skills Crossword Puzzle

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  • isolation : moving one body part separately
  • flexibility : range of movement in a joint (involving muscles, tendons and ligaments)
  • stamina : ability to exercise for a long period of time
  • extension : fully lengthening limbs/muscles
  • mobility : range of movement in a joint; the ability to move fluidly through actions
  • balance : the ability to hold a position with stillness and control
  • control : ability to start/stop/change direction/hold a position
  • dynamic : ability to use varied quality of movement
  • action : ability to execute turns/elevation/travel/floorwork etc
  • coordination : ability to move multiple body parts at a time
  • alignment : the correct placement of body parts (usually in a line)
  • stylistically accurate : ability to adapt to a characteristic way of dancing (13, 8 no space)
  • posture : the body's position
  • timing : the use of time or counts when matching movements to sound and/or other dancers.
  • space : ability to use pathways/patters/levels etc
  • relationship : being able to use contact/lead and follow/mirroring etc
  • rhythmic : repeated patterns of sound or movement
  • strength : muscular power