Symptoms Review Crossword Puzzle

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  • abdominal cramps : painful contractions in the stomach area.
  • fainting : temporary loss of consciousness.
  • fever : high body temperature, often due to illness.
  • constipation : difficulty or infrequent bowel movements.
  • vomiting : contents of the stomach through the mouth.
  • dizziness : feeling lightheaded or unstable.
  • asthma : a condition where airways narrow and swell, causing difficulty in breathing.
  • fatigue : extreme tiredness or lack of energy.
  • muscle cramps : sudden, involuntary contractions of muscles.
  • numbness : no feeling in a part of the body.
  • nausea : feeling like you might throw-up.
  • wheezing : high-pitched sound made while breathing.
  • diarrhea : frequent, loose, or watery bowel movements.