Mental Health Terminology Crossword Puzzle
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- bipolar: this disorder is marked by shifts in mood, energy, and ability to function resulting in manic and depression episodes.
- mania: a period of intense mood disturbance with elevated activity or energy.
- flight of ideas: a continuous flow of accelerated speech with abrupt changes from topic to topic.
- clang associations: stringing together words because of their rhyming sounds, without regard to the meaning.
- delusions: strongly held or fixed false belief that conflicts with reality.
- grandiose: exaggerated sense of one's own worth, importance ability or achievement with high self regard.
- dopamine: a chemical in the brain that is believed to have an effect on mood and mental health.
- hallucinations: alterations in perception in which an individual perceives a non-existent object or event is present.
- ahedonia: a reduced ability or inability to experience pleasure in everyday life.
- apathy: a decreased interest in activities or beliefs that would otherwise be interesting or important.
- affect: the external expression of a person's internal emotional state.
- dystonia: sudden, sustained contraction of one or several muscle groups.
- akathisia: a motor restlessness that causes pacing, repetitive movements, or an inability to stay still.
- pseudo parkinsonism: a temporary group of symptoms that look like parkinson's.
- tardive dyskinesia: a persistent side effect involving involuntary rhythmic movements beginning in face/oral muscles.
- anticholinergic toxicity: a life-threatening medical emergency caused by antipsychotics which causes delirium and ams.
- ataxia: term to describe the lack of muscle coordination and control.
- agranulocytosis: a condition that can occur as a result of antipsychotic therapy leads to neutropenia which can be fatal.