Food, Vitamins, Minerals and Malnutrition Crossword Puzzle

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Food, Vitamins, Minerals and Malnutrition Crossword Puzzle

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  • protein : organic substance made of chains of amino acids
  • water : necessary for chemical reactions to take place in cells, for waste removal from the body, and for temperature regulation
  • vitamin d : needed for absorbing calcium and phosphorous, which is important for keeping bones healthy
  • energy : carbohydrates are a source of this
  • lipid : another word for fats
  • minerals : elements needed by the body and gained from food but are not present in carbohydrates, lipids or proteins
  • vitamin c : important for making collagen
  • joule : a unit of energy
  • carbohydrate : a source of energy
  • nitrogen : its chemical symbol is n
  • vitamin a : is found in liver and in yellow/orange fruits and vegetables like carrots and apricots
  • calorie : a calorie is a unit of heat or energy that is used to measure the amount of energy that foods or fuels contain or produce in the human body
  • fibre : found in wholegrain bread pasta and rice, oats and beans
  • carbon : has the chemical symbol c and is the main element in organic compounds
  • rickets : caused by a lack of calcium in diet
  • balanced diet : a diet containing all the necessary food types and in the correct amounts and proportions to keep the body healthy
  • iron : found in red meats, liver and nuts
  • scurvy : causes bleeding of the gums because of a lack of vitamin c