Mantal Health Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: paranoia : a disorder of the mind; false beliefs and suspicion about a person or situation, stress : response or change in the body caused by any emotional, physical, social or economic factor, withdrawal : persons physical and mental response after stopping or severely reducing the use of a substance that was used regularly, delusion : false belief, suicide : to kill oneself, mental : relating to the mind, phobia : an intense fear, obsession : a recurrent, unwanted thought, idea or image, persecution : type of delusion- false belief that one is being mistreated, abused or harassed, hallucination : seeing, hearing, smelling or feeling something that is not real, flashback : reliving a trauma in thoughts during the day and in nightmares during sleep, anxiety : vague, uneasy feeling in response to stress, grandeur : type of delusion- exaggerated belief about ones importance, wealth, power or talents, panic : intense and sudden feeling of fear, anxiety, terror or dread, compulsion : repeating an act over and over again