Waste Water Crossword Puzzle

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  • health : primary reason for the necessity of sanitation.
  • hygiene : practices that maintain health and prevent disease through cleanliness.
  • disease : illnesses that sanitation aims to prevent.
  • combined : sewerage system that carries both sewage and storm water.
  • separate : sewerage system that has distinct pipes for sewage and storm-water.
  • partially : sewerage system that combines aspects of both combined and separate systems.
  • dry weather : flow of sewage during dry conditions.
  • wet weather : flow of sewage during rainfall or snow melt.
  • infiltration : water entering the sewer system through leaks during wet weather.
  • population : number of people contributing to sewage flow.
  • rainfall : precipitation influencing the wet weather flow.
  • usage : water consumption patterns affecting dry weather flow.