Teen Substance Abuse Crossword Puzzle

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  • five hundred : teen opioid overdose deaths have increased by _ percent since 1999.
  • twelve : youth start using drugs as young as _ years old.
  • psychological : they can provide a temporary _ change in the body, which is why most teens get hooked.​
  • escape : one reason teens start using is to _ or forget about problems and stressors of everyday life​.
  • attention : many adolescents abuse stimulants to increase _ and focus.
  • withdrawn : a warning sign that a peer may be using is becoming _ .
  • irresponsible : _ behavior may be a warning sign that one of your peers is using.
  • memories : the prefrontal cortex helps with decision making, _ , and self-control.
  • hepatitis : injection substance use places adolescence at a direct risk for hiv and _ .
  • support : a strong _ system has a big impact on the outcome of treatment​.
  • cbt : _ is one treatment option for teens with substance use disorder.
  • trust : _ can be broken between family members, especially when there have been promises to stop using.
  • development : teen substance use can alter learning and _ .
  • help : the substance abuse & mental health administration hotline ​is 1-800-622- _ .