Development and Growth Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: finemotor : the use of the fingers and hands, theory : a principle or idea that is proposed, preschooler : the child between the ages of three and six, neurons : specialized nerve cells, infancy : the part of the brain responsible for movement & balance, cerebrum : the part of the brain that controls movement and balance, social emotional : the type of development that relates to learning about others and expressing one's feelings, synapses : the links or connection between neurons, toddler : the child from ages one to three, gross motor : another name for large motor, maturation : the sequence of biological changes in children, development : qualitative and quantitative changes in children, cerebellum : the part of the brain responsible for language, planning and thought, proximodistal : growth is inward to outward, physical : development with the legs and arms, cognitive : another name for intellectual development, cephalocaudal : development proceeds from head to toe