Communicable Diseases Crossword Puzzle

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Communicable Diseases Crossword Puzzle

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  • smallpox : historically devastating disease eradicated by a successful global vaccination campaign
  • malaria : this disease, carried by anopheles mosquitoes, was once called "ague"
  • rubella : another term for german measles
  • zika : a severe re-emerging disease, primarily spread by aedes mosquitoes, with origins in an african forest
  • pertussis : this highly contagious bacterial disease presents with severe coughing spells, its colloquial name is derived from the unique sound made during intake of breath after a cough.
  • cholera : an acute diarrheal illness, this disease is caused by ingestion of food or water contaminated with a bacterium. its name shares the root with the greek word for 'bile'.
  • polio : an infectious disease caused by a virus, it often leads to paralysis and mainly affects children under 5 years of age. it's formally known as poliomyelitis.
  • filariasis : a parasitic disease caused by an infection with roundworms, primarily spread by black flies and mosquitoes. it's also known by the name of a certain nocturnal condition.
  • leptospirosis : this bacterial disease is often transmitted through the urine of infected animals, getting into water or soil and can survive there for weeks to months. humans become infected through contact with the urine, blood, or tissue of animals that carry the bacteria.
  • diphtheria : a serious bacterial infection usually affecting the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, characterized by the formation of a thick gray coating that can grow to cover tissues in the throat and nose.