The Digestive System Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: mouth: in the _ . both mechanical and chemical digestion take place, bolus: _ is chewed food mixed with saliva, epiglottis: the small flap of cartilage that closes over the trachea to keep food from entering the lungs is called the _ , esophagus: the _ is 12 inches long, peristalsis: the wave-like contractions of the smooth muscles lining the esophagus is called _ , stomach: the digestion of proteins begins in the _ , small intestine: the _ _ is lined with villi that helps increase absorption of nutrients, bile: the liver makes _ , pancreas: the _ is located between the stomach and small intestines, insulin: the pancreas produces _ , which helps regulate blood sugar levels, large intestine: the main function of the _ _ is the absorption of water, rectum: the _ stores solid waste, excretion: _ is the process of releasing wastes through the anus.