Sleep Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: newborns : require up to 16 hours of sleep per day, jet lag : occurs when circadian rhythms do not match with the external clock time, light : this does not influence our circadian rhythm, delta : deeper brainwaves found in stage 3 and 4 of sleep, night terrors : involves screaming, sweating, confusion and rapid heart rate during sleep but usually no memory of it, circadian : _ rhythm regulates physiological responses within a 24-25 hour time period, hour : it takes one day for each _ of time change to re-set your circadian clock, narcolepsy : permanent and overwhelming feelings of sleepiness or fatigue, five : those 70 or older may only need about _ hours of sleep per night, sleepwalking : person is partly awake and performs actions but has no memory of them, age : the amount of sleep needed varies among individuals and with _ , parasomnias : disorders that frequently interfere with sleep, alpha : brain waves shown on a eeg when you are awake, one third : the amount of our lives that we spend sleeping, rem : we spend approximately 25% of our sleep in this type of sleep, non rem : we spend 75% of our sleep in this type of sleep, insomnia : prolonged and abnormal inability to get adequate sleep, breathing : with this sleep disorder, the person can stop breathing, theta : brain waves found in stage 1 of the sleep cycle, falling : hypnagogic sensations occur during stage 1 of sleep. you may jerk your body or feel like you are _