Heat Effects on Body Crossword Puzzle

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Heat Effects on Body Crossword Puzzle

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  • cardiac drift : increase in heart rate during prolonged exercise in the heat
  • vascular shunting : redistribution of blood flow around the body to essential areas
  • electrolytes : essential minerals that help to carry electrical charge for muscle contraction
  • sweating : body function that helps to regulate body temperature/release of salty fluid from skin
  • thermoregulation : the process which allows the body to maintain its internal core temperature
  • thermoreceptor : sensory receptor that detects an increase in core body temperature
  • dehydration : loss of water in the body tissues. largely caused by sweating
  • acclimatisation : the pre- competiton process where individuals adapt their body systems to a change in the environmental conditions
  • hyperthermia : significantly raised core body temperature