Infection Prevention Crossword Puzzle

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Infection Prevention Crossword Puzzle

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  • eye protection : this worn when there is risk of splashing
  • disinfect : clean first, then do this
  • bleach : this product is commonly used at a concentration of 1
  • hands : always clean these prior to donning/doffing ppe
  • recap : never do this with used needles
  • reprocessing : the steps performed to prepare used surgical instruments for next use
  • single use : term used for medical devices disposed of after use
  • decontamination : this is the process of cleaning and inactivating microorganisms in order to render an object safe for handling
  • sterilization : this is the process of an object free from viable microorganisms (as by the use of steam or dry heat)
  • autoclave : this device is used to sterilize medical devices
  • alcohol : the active ingredient in hand rub
  • colonized : the condition a patient who has antibiotic resistant microorganisms living on or in their body with no symptoms or infection
  • methicillin : the m in mrsa stands for this
  • gloves : these items of ppe may give us a false sense of security when we wear them
  • prevention : an ounce of this is worth a pound of cure
  • hygiene : hand _ refers to the removal or inactivation of microorganisms on the surfaces of your hands
  • transmission : this term describes how microorganisms move between people via contact, droplet or airborne routes
  • soap : this product and water must be used when hands are visibly soiled