Postpartum Hemorrhage Crossword Puzzle

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Postpartum Hemorrhage Crossword Puzzle

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  • oxytocin : medication that increases uterine contraction
  • boggy : a _ uterus indicates uterus atony
  • preeclampsia : _ is high blood pressure during pregnancy. it can turn into eclampsia. this is a risk factor for hemorrhage.
  • placenta : retained _ tissue could cause hemorrhage
  • rupture : when the uterus tears during labor it is called a uterine _
  • subjective : blood loss estimates are usually very _
  • fundal massage : how to firm uterus
  • hematocrit : test that checks blood volume
  • one : early postpartum hemorrhage occurs within _ day after delivery
  • bleeding : uncontrolled _ is a symptom of hemorrhage
  • atony : relaxation of uterine muscle tone
  • inversion : when the uterus turns inside out after birth, risk for hemorrhage
  • blood pressure : maintain _ during hemmorhage
  • shock : postpartum hemorrhage if not treated can result in _ and death
  • methergine : medication decreases blood flow and causes contraction of the uterus