Endometrial / Uterine Cancers Crossword Puzzle

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Endometrial / Uterine Cancers Crossword Puzzle

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  • grade 1 : tumors have 95% or more normal looking glands (well differentiated)
  • black : higher mortality rate for uterine cancer in this race
  • distant : 18% relative 5-year survival rate
  • regional : 70% relative 5-year survival rate
  • white : a race more commonly effected by uterine cancer
  • progesterone : causes the innermost layer of the endometrium to shed
  • ca 125 : tumor marker that indicates endometrial and ovarian cancer
  • pregnancies : lowers risk, increases progesterone
  • endometruim : the inner most layer (mucosa layer) of the uterus
  • doxorubicin : a drug used during chemo, also known as adriamycin
  • tamoxifen : a drug used to treat breast cancer. increases risk for uterine cancer
  • grade 3 : <50% of normal looking glands. called high grade or undifferentiated. aggressive and poorer prognosis.
  • type 2 : not estrogen driven, grade 3, grow and spread outside of the uterus, poorer outlook, doctors treat more aggressively
  • uterus : a hollow organ, the size of a pear, 2 parts of the uterus (cervix & corpus), 3 layers
  • grade : based on how similar the cancer cells look to normal glands
  • estrogen : causes the endometrium to thicken
  • periaortic nodes : other than external iliac, internal iliac, and common iliac, these nodes are also commonly involved
  • type 1 : caused by excess estrogen, not very aggressive, slow to spread, grades 1 &2
  • uterine : unusual bleeding, spotting or other discharge are signs of endometrial and this cancer
  • grade 2 : 50 to 94% of normal looking glands (intermediate differentiated)
  • omentectomy : a common surgery carried out if tumor has spread to the omentum
  • birth control : used as a form of protection but also lowers the risk for endometrial cancer