Introduction to Virology Crossword Puzzle

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Introduction to Virology Crossword Puzzle

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  • papilloma : about 80% of cervical cancers are caused by this virus.
  • metazoans : biological term for multicellular animals.
  • clade : a group of organisms believed to have evolved from a common ancestor.
  • super bugs : infections that occur in hospitals that cannot be treated with the strongest antibiotics are called these.
  • influenza : this disease caused the spanish flu.
  • measles : most contagious infected disease.
  • zoonotic : pathogens that are contagious and originate from animals are called this.
  • jenner : this scientist used cowpox scabs to inoculate people.
  • receptor : the viral binding protein must attach to this found on the surface of cells.
  • attenuate : term used to render pathogens less dangerous. used in vaccine production.
  • persistent : name of viruses that establish lifelong associations with the host but does not cause disease.
  • bacteriophage : a virus that attacks bacteria.
  • plaque : these types of assays are employed to quantify the number of infectious phages in a sample.
  • host : typical feature used to define a virus is its dependence on this type of cell.
  • lysogenic : type of viral infection where infected cells are not lysed and do not die during infection.
  • postulates : koch developed a set of steps for determining which specific bacterium causes a particular disease. called koch's _ .
  • koplicks : spots found in the mouth of the most contagious viral pathogen. self limiting disease.
  • virophage : a virus that infects other viruses.
  • germ : robert koch formalized this theory of disease.
  • incubation : the period of time between exposure to an infectious agent and the first signs or symptoms of illness.
  • latency : a virus that lies in a dormant state or this.
  • corona : sars is caused by this virus.
  • herpes : general name of virus that causes cold sores.
  • cytokines : substances produced by immune cells that promote inflammation. damage cells.
  • virome : human or animal associated viral community in the body is also called this.