Cells and Biological Molecules Crossword Puzzle

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Cells and Biological Molecules Crossword Puzzle

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  • microscope : scientific tool that allows us to examine tiny cells
  • cytoplasm : jelly-like substance that surrounds the organelles of a cell
  • prokaryote : ​cells without a nucleus, usually single celled organisms
  • vacuole : part of a cell where things like water are stored.
  • mitochondrion : ​the part of the cell that creates energy
  • organelle : any structure inside the cell that supports the function of the cell
  • vegan : a diet without any animal products in it
  • glycogen : extra carbohydrates stored in the liver and muscle
  • cell wall : found in a plant cell, gives additional structure to the cell
  • nucleus : ​the command center of the cell, contains genetic material
  • chloroplast : part of a plant cell that photosynthesizes
  • amino acids : basic units of proteins
  • fiber : a nutrient eaten to avoid constipation
  • kwashiorkor : a deficiency disease caused by lack of proteins
  • cell membrane : ​the outside barrier of the cell, controls taking in of nutrients in and removal of wastes
  • eukaryotic : cells that contain a nucleus are called _ cells.
  • iron : a mineral essential to avoiding anemia