Scientific Mode of Reasoning Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: conclusion : the final outcome of the experiment according to the data/results, procedure : orderly steps taken by a scientist during an experiment, precision : the degree to which several measurements provide exact answers, range : an acceptable calculation between a set of numbers, theory : a conclusion that is strong, but does not have unanimous consent, control : the variable in an experiment that stays the same, data : quantitative and/or qualitative information collected during an experiment, estimation : to calculate approximately, physical science : study of the interaction between energy and matter, qualitative : observations that cannot be measured using numbers, scientific law : the strongest conclusion in science, dependent variable : the variable being tested in a scientific experiment, experiment : an investigation arranged by the investigator to test the hypothesis, model : a simplified representation of a system, hypothesis : an educated explanation to a specific problem, accuracy : nearness of a measurement to the standard or true value, quantitative : observations that can be measured using numbers.