Mechanical and Thermal Energy Crossword Puzzle

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Mechanical and Thermal Energy Crossword Puzzle

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  • energy efficiency: a calculation of the percentage of useful energy transformed
  • vibrating: in a block of ice, the particles are gently...
  • radiation: heat transfer that does not require particles
  • particles: all matter is made of what?
  • energy: can not be created or destroyed
  • meters per second: si unit for velocity
  • increase: positive heating causes an objects temperature to do what?
  • newtons: si unit for force
  • delta: name of the symbol that represents "change in"
  • work: calculated by multiplying force and distance
  • energy transformation: occurs when energy changes from one form to another form
  • insulators: objects that resist conduction
  • gas: state of matter where particles are spaced far apart and have almost no force holding them together
  • convection: the transfer of thermal energy through the movement of particles in a fluid
  • specific heat capacity: the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of 1kg of substance by 1°c
  • temperature: affects the speed at which particles are moving